Sunday, February 27, 2011

:: !!!!! ::



Wednesday, March 25, 2009

updates...a lot of updates

So I got my letter back from CalArts.
Well, I didn't get accepted TT___TT
So I asked if I could appeal, and the lady said, with an attitude, "Why is everybody asking me this? Well, our decisions are pretty much final. But, if you'd like, you can send in a one page letter to us why you think we should accept you."
Snobby much?
Well, it's all good. I still got into college :)
Luckily, I got into my first choice school, and hopefully I'm going.
I actually thinking about going to the military, but I need to meet their requirements. The only requirement I haven't met weight and I have problems running for a long time -____-'
But I really want to join. It's always been my dream to join, but I also want to go to college, without spending time on something else.
Idk what to do. Well, anyhow, check out my new blog,
Don't worry, I'll still be coming by here, as usual. I'll just have more than one blog! :D
I also made a new twitter! :D

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

oh dear!!

Okay. So I submitted my CalArts app. yesterday with my portfolio.
I JUST realized that I screwed up badly on one of my works.
It was a photo manip. and I put the opacity a tad bit too low!!!
GOD! I'm going to kill my self. I hope I get in, if I don't, I'm probably going to cry for one whole year or something.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

yes, back once more.
I have my old blog here, but I can't figure out the password and username, eversince blogspot changed everything. It's such a hassle...I want to change this current link to jjashiga.blogspot, but I can't seem to do that.
GOOD NEWS! I got into csula, and hopefully get into long beach, because if I do, I'll be happy. It's really difficult to get into csulb, and hopefully, like I've mentioned before, I get into OTIS & CalArts.
Well, I was busy, and forgot about that big flyer up there :D

AH, and I just thought I might share this. Here's a link to one of my old sig that I've done; hope you enjoy this one little work!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Starting NEW

Well, I deleted my other posts, and am starting this blog all over again.
I just edited some stuff.

My main concern is...getting into CalArts.
I really want to get accepted there and OTIS, and I want to decide from there.

But my main problem is that the government cut back on school funding for year 2008~2009, and so all the schools are accepting less people now, and what are the chances I'll get in? Very slim. There are better graphic artists than me, and they're more creative than I am, but I just want to get in because I express myself in my work. Hopefully they'll see that :)